You can now catch up with our NatCen-Birkbeck Centre for British Political co-hosted talk using the link below:
Dividing Lines: Understanding British Voters With the National Centre for Social Research and Professor Sir John Curtice
This was an incisive analysis that I found very helpful in framing my understanding of voter types; it was a typically statistically and methodology robust piece of work from Birkbeck British Politics Centre. Sadly, I found watching the video increasingly challenging: the less than optimal acoustics meant I had to stop frequently and make another pass at understanding what I had just heard ; the frequency of the adverts meant that my focus was so disrupted that I eventually stopped watching. I appreciate there is a trade off between making available such high value research available free of charge to a general audience, and the concessions that need to be made to secure an alternative funding scheme to what would presumably otherwise be a subscription only platform. However, might fewer (if slightly longer) advertisements likely be less disruptive together with a more robust sound-check before broadcast ? I have no idea how much leverage Birkbeck has with the advertisers so forgive me if I am being less constructive than I would wish but the valuable work done by the centre demands some response from a grumpy old man!